Work with me 1-on-1

Having a private session is a game-changer for so many reasons! It's like having a personalized roadmap to increasing movement in your life. You get my undivided attention so I can understand your unique needs and tailor a practice specifically for you. Whether you're a beginner seeking a solid foundation, or a seasoned yogi looking to deepen your practice, the one-on-one setting empowers you to explore movement with breath, your mind, and mind with confidence and receive immediate feedback.

It's a safe space to address any concerns or limitations and progress at your own pace. Plus, you get to choose the focus of the session, be it relaxation, strength-building, or even meditation. Private sessions unlock a whole new level of connection with your body and mind, making it an incredibly support to keep you moving forward towards your goals.

Wanna chat more? Contact me here!