Allow me to introduce myself…

I’m Sabrina. A passionate, nature loving, goal-minded woman dedicated to helping people like you find more balance, more strength, and more body awareness. I will help you learn to listen to your body and uncover how truly awesome you are.

But this isn’t what I’ve always done.

Before starting my business, I spent more than a decade teaching at colleges, doing research, and studying animals that either pooped on me or charged me. I learned to persevere when the unexpected happens (say, for example, a colony of fire ants marches through your camp while you wait it out in a small tent). Teaching and research filled my desire to learn and satisfied my problem-solving brain. 

After starting a family things changed, as they often do. I faced challenges with my thyroid, struggled to find any time for myself with 2 young children, and just….didn’t feel like myself. In an effort to follow a more “natural” path I tried out reflexology and returned to relying heavily on my yoga practice. I wanted to address my body as a whole, integrated system. 

Yoga has been in my life for over 20 years. Early on, my practice would get away from me, depending where I was in my life. But. I always came back to it because it kept me grounded, focused, and more balanced emotionally, physically, and spiritually. I just felt better. 

Every. Single. Time.  


Photo by ATarry Photographic

Photo by ATarry Photographic

So I get it. It’s not easy to begin again with any practice, even if you know you will feel better. You don’t know where to start.  You feel frustrated you waited this long.  Your body feels different.  What about that ache in your back and your tight calves?  And who knows even when you can find the time. 

I’ll tell you where you begin… begin exactly where you are. 

I started my business to help people like you find more balance in your life. Whatever that means for you right now. It turns out that my experience teaching, researching and having to persevere taught me patience, how to listen, strategic thinking, and to think long-term.  I incorporate 3 whole body approaches in my practice - yoga, reflexology, and aromatherapy. 

Does it matter if you can stand on your head? Heck no! 

What matters is building strength, building balance, calming the mind, and letting go of patterns that don’t help you. Yoga gives us the tools to look at the underlying cause of muscle imbalances and brings your mind, body and spirit into unity. 

How do I know this?

Yoga helped me so much that I studied to be an advanced 500-hour yoga instructor. My motivation to serve others encourages me to continually ask questions, take more trainings (over 700 hours at this point - there’s that love of learning), and adjust what I offer so they help you better.

Reflexology helped me on my journey back to a healthier body, so I know how powerful it can be. After becoming certified in 2015, I started my practice to help others. Reflexology connects the physical body to both the emotional and mental bodies. 

My dive into the world of aromatherapy was not unlike that of yoga and reflexology.  I personally experienced the benefits of aromatherapy and craved to learn more, to share more. And that is what I did. As a certified aromatherapist with over 600 hours of training I have learned that every body is unique. I love working with my clients to determine which unique blend will work best for them. 

Our bodies really do speak to us, we just have to learn to listen. 

Wanna know more about me?

I’ll keep it simple with 7 random facts.

  1. A colony of fire ants did, in fact, march through my camp and I’ve been charged by a mountain gorilla. Not at the same time. The gorilla charge was incredible, the fire ants I could’ve done without.

  2. I’m NOT a night owl. I LOVE mornings! They’re special to me. I get up early, preferably before sunrise, and enjoy breakfast and tea before starting my day.

  3. I love rocks. Always have. I’m apt to pick up a rock and carry it with me for a while before letting it go.

  4. I have 2 wonderful kids, ages 13 and 11, and a supportive husband that listens to all my crazy aspirations. We live on a dirt road with an energetic dog that loves to keep us on our toes.

  5. I’m a walker, not a runner.

  6. I’m a mediocre gardener. I love gardening, I’m just not that great at it, yet. After planting our landscape my goal is to keep these plants alive. So far I haven’t lost too many.

  7. I love my job! Truly. I feel lucky to be able to serve my clients. Every day I ask myself what I can do to serve YOU better.